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Use Fashense shopping to reach more customers

Fashense will do the rest through innovative AI.

Let people discover your products easily through our outfit recommendation, product recommendation, search engine, advertisement, and your profile page with exclusive video content.

Make fashion videos to show off your products

You can promote your products by highlighting them from your catalog directly in your videos.

Get in touch with people who enjoy fashion shopping.

Work together with influencers to promote your brand and product.

Make it easy for people to shop for your products and learn more.

Get your brand and product more noticed through our search page

The search page is for people to find brands, users, products, and videos, but also a place for them to discover new brands and products personalized to them.

Allow people to filter by your brand name

Your products are automatically attached to generated outfits, but customers can filter by brand name to find outfits with products of your catalog.

Your products are visible on the product page, where people can filter through brands as well.

Let people make custom outfits with your products

Have a wide range of product types in your catalog to let people make their custom outfits with products only of your brand.

Product detail page

The product detail page provides all relevant information about a product like pricing, external link, additional info, and more images.


Increase brand awareness, consideration and sales by promoting your products through Ads

Fashense Ads works for fashion advertisers, from small to medium and large brands.

Set your own budget starting from € 5,-.

Reach a unique audience.

Choose from different advertising methods. Even able to boost your fashion shopping videos with products tagged through Fashense Ads.

In-app payment system

Allow customers to check out your products directly via the Fashense app.

Get insight into product analyses

You can access statistics for each product to understand what consumer types are buying your products, allowing you to visualize brand adoption and target audiences to support new decisions.



Get insight into market analyses to adapt your products to customer's wishes

Discover the latest trends and forecasted trends.

You can easily visualize the current growth and predicted growth of shapes, fabrics, colors, prints, styles, and product types.